A Tale of Two Cities - Book 01
by: Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)
I.I: The Period - 06:49
I.II: The Mail - 14:53
I.III: The Night Shadows - 12:07
I.IV: The Preparation - 29:57
I.V: The Wineshop - 26:23
I.VI: The Shoemaker - 23:42
II.I: Five Years Later - 14:19
II.II: A Sight - 17:55
II.III: A Disappointment - 36:14
II.IV: Congratulatory - 17:33
II.V: The Jackal - 14:30
II.VI: Hundreds of People - 26:20
II.VII: Monseigneur in Town - 22:40
II.VIII: Monseigneur in the Country - 13:37
II.IX: The Gorgon's Head - 27:44
II.X: Two Promises - 21:07
II.XI: A Companion Picture - 07:53
II.XII: The Fellow of Delicacy - 14:46
II.XIII: The Fellow of no Delicacy - 18:18
II.XIV: The Honest Tradesman - 24:56
II.XV: Knitting - 26:16
II.XVI: Still Knitting - 30:34